Anyone who has read the last two posts on this subject has,
by now, been able to determine the common link in all these horrific failures:
Clearly, if I could remove myself from the whole dating
process, I think the whole thing would go much more smoothly. (All in favor of going
back to arranged marriages, say aye!) So it was, thinking that I might be able
to at least approach this idea, I agreed to a blind date, doubling with the couple
who set me up.
Granted, this doesn’t entirely remove me from the picture,
but it seemed like a good start. Unfortunately, I realized too late that any
date is going to include one particular element that is all but guaranteed to
get me into trouble…
That’s right, boys and girls, no matter how you might try to
steer things or fill the time with activities and/or chewing, there’s
eventually going to come that moment when they ask you a question that can’t be
answered with a nod or grunt.
With any luck, you’ll be able to give an answer that will
make some kind of sense (instead of nonsense), an answer that makes you seem
like an interesting person (not a raging moron and/or psychopath), and an
answer that will make your date look forward to meeting you again (instead of
looking wildly toward the door every few seconds).
Still, even if you can’t manage all of that (heaven knows I
did not…), at the extreme least, you should avoid giving lectures on how lasers
are made that start with “Light can act like a particle or a wave…”
This should be incredibly obvious. Everyone knows that you
NEVER go full nerd on a girl, preferably ever, but certainly not on the first
Now, if the girl has not fled by the end of that informative
little tirade, she is an incredibly patient human being. This is an admirable
trait. You should not abuse this trait. You should absolutely not double down
at this point. I guess what I’m saying is that, under no circumstances should
your very next topic of conversation be…
Home surgery.
I mean, I imagine we all have our little stories. That one
time you pulled out your little brother’s tooth with a pair of needle-nose
pliers; or that other time you took care of that pesky wart on your finger with
a red hot nail wrapped in a sock. These are just the usual hi-jinks everyone
falls into, I’m certain. I’m not judging, I’m just saying that these things are
NOT suitable anecdotes for a first date.
Now, I would be thrilled, just bloody ecstatic, if I could say this was a one-time occurrence. Of course, I cannot, at least not with a straight face. Worse, there's no way around the problem. You see, the whole point of conversation is to get to know each other better. For someone with my past, present, and future, having a girl get to know me better is a sure deal-killer. Avoid if at all possible.
So there you have it, folks, some rock solid dating advice,
learned the hard way, as usual. In parting, I’d like to share with you some
actual quotes from that evening. And if you’re thinking these probably made more
sense in context, you’re wrong…
“But it was getting really frustrating because I couldn’t
see what I was doing because of the blood…”
“Hey guys! Check this out! It really is a murder room, it’s
got a drain in the floor and everything!”
“I’m liking the shotgun. Much more effective.”
“And now I will take a turn at Dance Dance Revolution.”
Perhaps a date with a deaf girl who cannot lip read?
ReplyDeletePerhaps a date with a deaf girl who cannot lip read?
ReplyDeleteI like the way you think...
DeleteI wish you luck with your future relationships.
ReplyDeleteشركة تنظيف منازل بالدمام هى واحدة من ضمن شركات قمة الدقة والتى هى اسم وصفة فهى افضل من يطلق عليه هذا الاسم وهذا بفضل قدراتها الكبيرة فى القيام اعمال التنظيف العام للبيوت والمنازل والشقق حيث انها تقدم خدماتها التى تشغل بال العديد من العملاء والذين يبحثون عن شركات تنظيف بيوت بالدمام ويرغون فى التعاون مع ارخص شركة تنظيف شقق بالدمام فاليكم اكبر شركة فى عالم التنظيف المنزلى والبيتى وهى شركة تطهير منازل بالدمام قمة الدقة
ReplyDeleteكم من الوقت تحتاج اليه ربة المنزل لتنظيف بيتها ؟
لا توجد مقاييس خاصة لوقت التنظيف المتقن فهناك ربات بيوت تسطيعن ان تنجز مهمة تظهير المنزل ومسح الارضيات وازاله الغبار فى وقت سريع واخريات يقضين اليوم باكملة ولا يستطعن الانتهاء من غرفة واحدة
ولكن الامر الذى لا يمكن انكارة ان مهمة تنظيف البيوت حقا مهمة شاقة ومرهقة جدا وتحتاج الى وقت متسع ومجهود كبير من السيدة واما اذا كانت ربة المنزل امرأة عاملة فان القيام باعمال تنظيف السجاد وغسيل الجدران ومسح الارضيات امر ممل ومرهق
ولهذا تم تقديم خدمات الاعتناء بنظافة المنازل وترتيبها باسعار خيالية فنحن ارخص شركة تنظيف منازل بالدمام قمة الدقة كما ان شركة نظافة منازل بالدمام توفر كافة العمالة النسائية والتى تحتاج اليهن ربات المنازل كثيرا
شركة تنظيف منازل بالدمام
Like any other date you want a blind date to go well so that you can ensure yourself a second date. New Jersey personals